ZP - Resilience through SMART solutions for municipalities, cities and regions (Cohesive municipalities, cities and regions)A - People and Communities (Resilient Communities, Cities and Regions)B - Local economy (Competitive cities, municipalities and regions)C - Environment for life (Green cities, municipalities and regions)
C1 - Environment for quality life in municipalities, cities and regionsC2 - Nature and landscape supporting resilienceC3 - Green and blue infrastructure of cities and municipalities of the futureC4 - Transport infrastructure and mobility adapted to people
C3-1 - Effective green and blue infrastructure mitigates the negative impacts of heat islands in cities and towns.C3-2 - Cities and municipalities contribute to adapting to climate change and reducing energy intensity in their territory.
  1. Solutions for green infrastructure in the territorial or regulatory plan or their changes.
  2. Creation and implementation of the concept of blue and green infrastructure with the aim of mitigating the negative effects of heat islands in cities and towns.
  3. Implementation of vertical gardens, vegetation facades and/or green roofs on buildings owned by the city/municipality or region as part of a state-supported program for energy savings in public buildings.
  4. Support of the same on private buildings.
  5. Application of the concept of rainwater management in buildings and on land owned by cities, municipalities and regions.