Project relevance and context
In recent years, there have been significant societal changes in the transition to the so-called "Society 4.0". It is about increasing the impact of digitization, reducing energy consumption, improving the environment and the involvement of modern technologies and artificial intelligence in the development of society as a comprehensive social system.
The name “SmartCity/Region/Society” (hereinafter referred to as “SMART”) is generally used for this social change based on GreenDeal/SDG. The problem is that each state, region, city conceives the principle of SMART differently and thus there is a significantly different concept of strategic documents, which should facilitate the transition of the classic solution of the society to "SMART" society.
In the Czech Republic, we participated in the creation of the national “SMART Concept”. It is a set of instructions, procedures and methodologies on how to prepare SMART strategic documents for cities/regions, how they should be structured in terms of content and what content they should have. It is actually a standard against which the existing "SMART" strategic documents for the development of cities and regions can be "compared". In this way, it is possible to find out how the given strategy is really in line with the "SMART concept“, or what should be added.
As part of the implementation of this project, we want to offer to cities/regions of V4 countries the use of the "SMART Concept", web-portal, our experience, methodologies and procedures for verifying the compliance of "SMART Strategic Documents" with the "SMART Concept".

Main results of the project
Task-01: |
Plan for implementation of "SMART Concept" in V4 countries
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Task-02: |
Analysis of existence and content of national legal+methodological documents for the preparation of "SMART strategies" in V4 countries
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Task-03: |
Analysis of "SMART strategies" of regions and cities in V4 countries. After Analysis will be created collection of "SMART strategies" in V4 countries, for which compliance with the "SMART Concept"
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Task-04: |
Pilot analysis of compliance with selected "SMART strategies" and the SMART Concept/GreenDeal/SDG in V4 countries
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Task-05: | V4 strategy plan for implementation of SMART concept/GreenDeal/SDG into Smart strategies
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SMART strategy for V4 countries | ||||||||||
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S4S - Final report for V4 countries | ||||||||||
Project partners

Czech Smart City Cluster, z.s.
The Czech Smart City Cluster (CSCC) creates a unique partnership between companies, state administration, self-government, knowledge institutions and city residents. We are the innovators of the Smart City idea in the Czech Republic. We strive to build smart cities in which social and technological infrastructure and solutions facilitate and accelerate sustainable economic growth.

Slovak Smart City Cluster
We are an association of legal entities integrating representatives of the business environment, technological innovations carriers, representatives of public administration and academic environment. We are open to all subjects with interest in support of development and propagation of Smart city concept and urban regions in Slovakia.

Digitális Jólét Nonprofit Kft.
DJN is involved in many national strategies (DES - Digital Education Strategy of Hungary, DSS - Digital Startup Strategy of Hungary, DEDS- The Digital Export Development Strategy of Hungary, DCPS- The Digital Child Protection Strategy of Hungary, PCDS- Public Collection Digitization Strategy) and activites (Digital state / knowledge / economy / access / networks).

South Poland Cleantech Cluster Sp. z o.o. non for profit
The vision of South Poland Cleantech Cluster is to establish Central Europe’s leading and at the same time one of the most competitive cleantech clusters in the world. This will deliver superior innovation and co-create a facilitating for the introduction of cleantech technologies and services across sectors.
Project team
Project consortium brings together leading experts in "Smart-city/region" sector from V4 countries to solve common problems and task.
Czech Smart City Cluster, z.s. - (lead partner)
Újezd 450/40, Prague, 11800, Czechia
+420 724 269 698