ZP - Resilience through SMART solutions for municipalities, cities and regions (Cohesive municipalities, cities and regions)A - People and Communities (Resilient Communities, Cities and Regions)B - Local economy (Competitive cities, municipalities and regions)C - Environment for life (Green cities, municipalities and regions)
A1 - Education as the basis of a quality lifeA2 - Social and health services availableA3 - Social resilience - and securityA4 - Rapid response – an integrated approach to resilience
A2-1 - A decentralized system of linked health and social care is implemented at the level of the village, city and region.A2-2 - Effective local health and social services make full use of digital technologies.A2-3 - Optimal conditions are created for disease prevention and health-promoting activities in the place (i.e. people live to a healthy old age).
  1. Transformation of social care into community care.
  2. Linking health and social care at the local level (at the level of cities/municipalities and regions), ensuring access to social and health care for every resident at any age and in different life situations on the principle of the "last mile" based on a network of neighborhood (community) assistance with the support of digital technologies.
  3. Creation of the position of coordinator in the field of integrated social and health services in the municipality or at the level of the union of municipalities or region (e.g. following the model of the coordination role of some MAS or centers of joint health and social services as in some DSOs).