Pillar |
Chapter |
Objective |
ZPO1-1 - Public administration is carried out efficiently and transparently, enabling electronic and automated solutions wherever fit for purpose | ZPO1-2 - Regions, cities and municipalities have sufficient knowledge (data, information) about the territory they manage, about ties in their territory, including information about the nature of threats in the territory, they use it to optimize management and, with the participation of citizens, to create an environment for the good life of individuals and communities (systematic data collection broken down by gender, evaluation of data and information about the territory, digital technical map, territorial plan in vector form and in a uniform standard, acquisition of information models of buildings). | ZPO1-3 - Public administration at the level of cities, municipalities and regions operates safely and makes competent decisions. It strives for innovative solutions and smart management of the property of the municipality/city/region. It is based on the collection and evaluation of data from transport, air quality, blue-green infrastructure, energy management and property using new technological tools, data-oriented approaches and the breakdown of relevant data by gender and other categories. |
| | Measure
- To ensure the collection and publication of datasets broken down, among other things, by gender from various areas of performance of activities of municipalities, cities (including municipal organizations) and regions under clear conditions of data provision (Open Data); connect the development of the municipality, city and region with the development of digitization.
- When working on the development of the territory of the city/municipality and the region, use digital technical maps of the territory and danger maps of the territory.
- Creation of national standards and methodological guidelines for modeling buildings using the BIM method and coordination of their implementation in cities and municipalities and regions, ensuring the linked usability of once collected data across public administration.
- Introduction of digitization of construction management.
- Use of IoT technologies in public space and buildings.